Charity: water

Friday, September 12, 2014

Feeling bad

If you've been keeping track, Nathan Fillion not only reached his goal but went well past it. I said if he met it, I would cut my hair any way he or his fans wanted. I got only one response so I did not do the blue mohawk that was suggested. I did cut my hair into a fohawk in my natural hair color. At the time, I felt like this was a good compromise. Now I don't. I've felt bad for not keeping up my end. He met his goal and I should do what I said. So, next year when Nathan does his charity water birthday fundraiser again (and my hair grows back) I will do exactly what I said. I WILL cut it, no matter who responds. I apologize for my lack of action before and promise to do right this time.

If you're asking yourself why I don't do it now, I'll tell you. We are going into winter and it's gonna be colder than a snowman's butt. I need that hair to keep my head warm! Besides, if I do it in March, when Nathan does his thing, it will hopefully bring more attention to his charity water efforts.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Keeping up my end

Well done guys! Not only did y'all help Nathan Fillion reach his goal but you've gone over it. It's now over $175,000!! Y'all are awesome. Now to keep up my end of the deal. 

If you remember, I said that if the $150,000 goal was met then I'd cut and/or dye my hair anyway that Nathan or his fans wanted. I haven't heard if Nathan has seen this campaign so I'm taking suggestions from his fans. Because this is such an extreme thing I'm doing and I've only heard from one person, I will not cut my hair unless I hear from at least a few people. I want to know people are actually reading this and that it's helping.

SO give me your suggestions, preferably with a picture, and I will pick the most popular one. I will be taking suggestions until March 31, the last day of Nathan Filion's fundraiser. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Taking suggestions

Just checked and it's already up to $106,000! Awesome job guys. At this rate it will go beyond $150,000. Since it's getting closer to Nathan Fillion's goal, I am now going to be taking suggestions of hairdos. So far, I have gotten only one suggestion.

@linndy98 said "Lets do this! I wanna see a shiny blue Mohawk on this chic. How about you?"

I haven't gotten any comments yet so I don't know if this whole campaign is helping spread the word. Please comment and/or send me suggestions. And don't forget to share this blog! Tweet it, Facebook it. Whatever. Just spread this thing around. If you tweet it please make sure to tag @NathanFillion

Friday, March 7, 2014


I made a video about my project. Watch and share please. Comments welcome.


Checked this morning to see it is already at $60,000! Way to go guys. That's over 3,000 people who will get clean water.  At this rate Nathan will definitely reach his goal. And think of how many people will be helped!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Let it Begin!

I am not a celebrity. I am not rich. I am just a person who wants to make a difference and maybe change the world a bit.

I wanted to do something fun and crazy to help spread the word about donations that are needed for . For his birthday, the generous Nathan Fillion is asking that, instead of gifts, you donate to help build much needed wells. His goal is $150,000 by March 31.

So here's the deal.... IF Everyone helps Nathan reach his goal in time I will cut and/or dye my hair ANY way that Nathan or his fans would like. (Yes, I said ANY way!) This being for Nathan's birthday, the birthday boy gets first choice of my new hairdo. If he decides not to choose then I will ask you all what you'd like. The most popular choice wins.

Feel free to ask me any questions below in the comments.

Now go donation crazy!

No styling this morning but here it is. :)