Charity: water

Friday, September 12, 2014

Feeling bad

If you've been keeping track, Nathan Fillion not only reached his goal but went well past it. I said if he met it, I would cut my hair any way he or his fans wanted. I got only one response so I did not do the blue mohawk that was suggested. I did cut my hair into a fohawk in my natural hair color. At the time, I felt like this was a good compromise. Now I don't. I've felt bad for not keeping up my end. He met his goal and I should do what I said. So, next year when Nathan does his charity water birthday fundraiser again (and my hair grows back) I will do exactly what I said. I WILL cut it, no matter who responds. I apologize for my lack of action before and promise to do right this time.

If you're asking yourself why I don't do it now, I'll tell you. We are going into winter and it's gonna be colder than a snowman's butt. I need that hair to keep my head warm! Besides, if I do it in March, when Nathan does his thing, it will hopefully bring more attention to his charity water efforts.